You’ve perhaps read of, heard of, or been part of a team with toxic traits like lack of trust, sabotage, or bullying. I led a team of trainers where 1/2 had window seats, and the other half did not. I wanted more natural collaboration and asked the windowed squad to move to the more spacious non-window side. Cue the full-grown adult tantrums, audibly vigorous file cabinet opening and closing, and rude behaviors toward one another. Why? Because I asked them to move - no because I engaged them in change and didn’t consider their lack of readiness for that change.
I believe that the best work humans do is the work we do together. As a leadership and organizational coach in today’s world, I work to hold onto that truth lightly as I observe the increasing loneliness and social-political polarization of our times. My assumption is the workplace, unwittingly, has become an enlarged cog in the social wheel. Today’s workplace has the potential for human togetherness and creative collaboration. The people we work with, now more than ever, have become our tribe. We need each other - and we need the best of each other.
I founded Better Humans not because I believe we’ve figured out some moral solution to harmony in our workplace. No - that’s what our places of worship are for. At BetterHumans, we help our clients get to the heart of adult tantrums by creating spaces to grow awareness and model direct communication. We work to solve the seemingly tough challenges of what goes unspoken within us but acts out among us. We help teams realize and strategize through their toxic traits so that their workplace can be Better for all Humans.
Really liking your blog, Bobby. Looking forward to the next one!🌟