I think we come to this point in the year when we look back at what we set out to do, and we can get hard on ourselves because of what we didn’t get done. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with looking back, taking stock of what you couldn’t accomplish, and measuring why you couldn’t succeed. Some would call that failure, and there's an art to using failure to teach us something about ourselves, our systems, and our teams as we move forward into 2025.
I want to encourage us not to be hindered by what we couldn’t get done. I think there’s something for us to recognize and hold dear - why we started the endeavor in the first place. I think it can be challenging and demotivating when we look back and say, “You know, I put myself out there. I tried something new, or I tried to change this system, or I tried to change this policy, and I didn’t reach my goal.” And we can forget why we wanted to pursue that thing in the first place.
When I do my look back in 2024, and I think about the things that I wasn’t able to get accomplished, I’m not thinking about what didn’t happen, but why I wanted that thing to happen in the first place, why I wanted that pursuit to take shape in the first place, and when I think about that, when I think about the reason why the quest was so important, I get excited. I get motivated and can look at that goal with fresh eyes. I can look at that destination differently because I’m remembering my why. I’m starting in a place of excitement about what is possible based on what I’m trying to create and what I want out of life.
I pray this resonates with you. I hope you can find something in 2024 that you didn’t get accomplished, but you’re still holding on to the “why.” You still know why. You still can understand what it will feel like when you get there because of your why. It can be challenging for us as leaders, members of teams, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and bosses, trying to do new things in a cold, harsh world. But on the periphery of the coldness and hardness of the world is boundless opportunity. There’s beauty and margin, and I want to encourage you to take up space there.
I know sometimes, that first step can be hard on our own, and that’s why I have a blog like this. That’s why I have a business like BH Consultancy: We’re not just in it for us. Yeah, we want to charge our clients a competitive fee and be a part of meaningful work where our clients know why they’re pursuing the thing in the first place. And if that’s you, if you’re looking for someone to come alongside and walk with you differently in 2025, then you were able to do on your own in 2024. Then I think we might be great partners. Let’s connect. Let’s discuss why starting with your “why” in 2025 is a significant first step. I hope to hear from you.