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Writer's pictureBobby Humes

‘Tis the Season

Here we are, just weeks away from Christmas and other December holidays and celebrations that bring out the best and worst in us. From here until the end of the year, we will attempt to add hours and miles to days already crowded by schedules, responsibilities, and opportunities. Our task lists, traditions, and unspoken obligations drive us to make the seasons bright through our actions. It is a busy time. Done well, it’s a time to reflect and make amends and plans for the year ahead. Done poorly, this season has the potential to wreak havoc on our minds.

As I think about this time of year, I’m curious about the toll all the hustle and bustle takes on the hearts and minds of my family, friends, and clients. I wonder if there is a better way to move through this season while avoiding buyer burnout and festive fatigue. I’m not sure if there is a magic cure-all, but here are some things I think will help us all have a joyous holiday and a happy new year:

Routines: I wrote a blog post about good nutrition, exercise, hydration (water), and sleep. I call it NEWS; now is the time to invest in good news. When we have a routine that supports us in navigating life, we’re gifted with the resilience necessary to handle the wrapped and unwrapped surprises that the seasons bring.

Breathing: Have you ever forgotten to breathe? It happens to me when I’m moving from task to task and meeting to meeting without a healthy dose of mindfulness on how I breathe new air. Yes, our bodies breathe independently, a blessing and a miracle. To make the most of our breathing, mindfulness goes a long way. Take 5 minutes every hour this season to take deep breaths through your nostrils, feeling the temperate air as you breathe. Breathe deeply for about 5 seconds. Hold your breath for one more second and let the air out of your mouth slowly for 7-8 seconds. Keep going for five minutes and go back to your routine.

Cheer: I wrote about the f-word at work a few weekends ago. Now is the time to bring fun and cheer with you wherever you go! Along with mindful breathing, mindful being can be a great asset this holiday shopping season. When you’re in a long line, use that time to meet someone new and see how many questions you can ask them before they ask you a question about you. Keep it light and fun; before you know it, time will fly by, you’ll be at the front of the line, and you’ve made cheer contagious for everyone around you. Do the same at work - find someone you’ve never done lunch with before and commit to trying a new spot together. Remember, make it about them.

These are just a few things that can be helpful this holiday. I love supporting leaders in living their lives mindfully. If you’d like to chat about how to take mindful steps beyond the holidays, let’s connect for a discovery call, and I’ll model how to ask good questions! Cheers!

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